Corporate Programs

Through times of change,
people are your greatest asset.

Our clients are corporations, social enterprises, and educational bodies.

They believe strongly in setting up their people for success in the present and the future. They have a strong culture of diversity and inclusion. They are growth-focused and want to give their leaders an edge. They like grooming people from within and see this process as a long-term investment in the organization’s future.

The founders, managers, and leaders who hire us, value solutions that help their people shift mindset and perceptions, in a manner that shows measurable results.

We can partner with you for …


  • Upskill functional leads in high-growth startups into effective managers and capable leaders
  • Groom mid-level managers in medium/large organisations for senior leadership positions
  • Empower senior leaders in mature organisations with coaching skills for developing leaders at all levels


  • Enable women professionals to seamlessly transition back into the workforce, on returning from career break
  • Retain top talent through tailored career development framework
  • Support campus hires to integrate successfully into your organisation


  • Invigorate and excite sales teams to win in the marketplace
  • Equip key staff to be geared for next chapter of your company’s growth
  • Thrive during organisational change and business transformation projects


  • Inculcate company culture in new hires via onboarding touchpoints
  • Create cultural alignment amongst staff in large and mature organisations experiencing change and churn

How We Engage With You

Every part of our solution must tie back to the predetermined benefit of your business. From the first exploratory conversation to the delivery of programs and follow-up conversations afterward, the emphasis will be “you and your business first.”

We don’t just do standard assessments, teach run-of-the-mill classes, or offer the same old advice. Every step we take passes through this question, “Will this greatly improve results for you?”

If it isn’t a big YES, then we don’t do it.

We explore the situation.

We listen as you spell out your challenges and clarify your desired outcome.

We design a solution.

We design a solution unique to your situation, and include your input so you have comfort going in.

We get to work.

We get the solution going, course correct as needed, and assess results against set outcomes.

Group Program Feedback

On program structure …

It helped me understand what my leads expect from me, and I can communicate more effectively.
The topics were versatile. I noticed the application to any situation.
The program was impactful and made a difference in how we think and perceive.
The topics were versatile. I noticed the application to any situation.
The course helped nail down the fundamental areas where I needed to focus in both personal and professional environments.
I’m able to apply the test scenarios in my real life.

The impact on life …

Different aspects affect the impact and growth one can create in our personal and professional lives. This training helped me connect to the core of those aspects.
Connecting with my core identity has brought ownership and confidence in my approach. I now have a structure to manage my time and the ability to switch focus between the big picture and executing smaller tasks.
I can identify my default orientation and switch to another one that works as per my situation. Looking at everything as a situation rather than a problem has enhanced my ability to deal with challenges.
It has brought clarity to my thought process and helped with prioritization.
I can understand what my managers expect from me and can communicate my expectations clearly. I have also struck a good balance between my personal life and my career.
I can catch myself overthinking and overanalysing, which is pointless. Instead, I can try different things and take quick action.

Let’s Explore

Let’s explore how we can be of assistance in helping your organization.